Register For Destiny Pilgrimage

Passenger information

Other information

In Case of Emergency next of kin contact*:

Please Note:

The tour involves a considerable amount of walking and group members need to be able to keep up. You must advise us if you are taking a wheelchair. If you are please name the able-bodied person who is to accompany and assist you throughout the tour.

Travel Insurance :

It is a condition of our booking terms that each group member has adequate travel insurance. Such insurance should ensure you are fully

UK residents only. Non UK residents must obtain insurance in the country they live in.

If you or any person who is travelling has a pre-existing medical condition then you must declare that condition to medical screening service on 0344 273 2783 and quote Blue Retail

Passport and Visa information :

For passport and visa information read here

How To Make Payment :

Deposit of £ 400 per person is required to secure your place or the full amount if travelling within 10 weeks. Please tick the relevant box

Terms & Conditions:

Read Terms and Conditions