Welcome to this exciting bible land tour holiday that we have planned for you! This information bulletin is intended to help you plan, prepare for and anticipate the memorable time you have in store.
It is often said that anticipation is 50% of the enjoyment. As we all look forward to the bible land tour it is our aim to provide you with information and advice to help you make the very best of this holiday. It will be a time of real spiritual excitement too as we relate the places we see for ourselves to the texts and passages that we read in the Bible. We will visit some of the places where the early Christian churches struggled and flourished and we will see where many significant events in history were unfolded. All this in just a few days!
It is our prayer that each one of you will enjoy one of the best holidays of your life and that the time between now and the bible land tour itself will be filled with eager anticipation. We will be sending you further information shortly before departure but of course we are always here to answer any questions you might have at this stage. May God give you His blessing as we look forward to this time together.
Thank you for your booking. We have had an excellent response to the bible land tour and already have 37 people booked and expect a few more to join us in the remaining weeks before the bible land tour. If you know of anyone wishing to join, there is still time to do so.
If you have not already given these to us, we need your passport details as soon as possible. It is essential that the enclosed Passenger Information Form (green) is completed straight away for every person included in your booking. It is also very important that you supply your forenames (given names) exactly as they appear on your passport, and not just your initials. We don't want to waste your valuable excursion time queuing in immigration halls, and this information is sent to each port of entry in advance of our arrival to clear the way. Please also quote your Booking Reference Number as displayed on your booking confirmation. For our own records it would also help if you would give your "known name" - the name you prefer to use, e.g. Bill rather than William.
Your passport needs to be valid for at least 6 months beyond the final date of your holiday, so check the expiry date of yours now. If your passport has expired or runs out soon get it renewed right away. Please don't leave your application for a new one to the last minute.
For your convenience, passenger's passports are held at the Purser's office throughout the bible land tour to expedite immigration processing when the ship arrives in foreign ports.
If you hold a passport other than a British (or EU) passport you will need to make your own enquiries with the relevant consulates or embassies about visa requirements for your chosen itinerary. This should be done in plenty of time to avoid last minute delays.
At the time of writing there were no mandatory vaccination requirements for any of our chosen destinations. If you do have any concerns we would advise you to check with your doctor or local clinic, or one of the British Airways Immunisation Centres, located throughout the UK, for the latest requirements and recommendations. To obtain up to date health travel information you can also call the Medical Advisory Services for travellers abroad on their help line: 09068 224100 or online at www.masta.org.
You will see that the green Passenger Information Form also requests medical information that may be useful for the ship's doctor during the bible land tour. We don't want to be nosey but please feel free to tell us anything we ought to know in advance.
A qualified physician is in attendance throughout each bible land tour. Surgery hours are displayed outside the medical centre, but emergencies are attended to immediately at all times. A customary fee is charged for most services and medications.
The green Passenger Information Form requests details of a person (not travelling on the bible land tour) who could be contacted in the unlikely event of any emergency. These details will not be retained beyond the duration of the bible land tour.
The ship's catering staff will try to satisfy requests for special diets (low-salt, low-fat, etc) provided they are given sufficient prior notification. In addition the menu on offer will normally include an acceptable vegetarian option along with a wide selection of other choices. Similarly the hotel in Rome asks for prior notification if a vegetarian or special meal is needed.
Please let us know if you require either a medically prescribed diet (e.g. gluten free) or a vegetarian option, using the green Passenger Information Form. If this presents any problems please contact us and we will explain more fully.
I am very pleased to be able to introduce our speaker, Apostle Dr Kofi Annan have led many tours and holidays over a good number of years for Destiny tour and is a respected Bible teacher For the past five years Andrew has worked under the auspices of the Andrew Kane Partnership Trust teaching and encouraging church leaders and congregations. This has involved ministry in the UK, overseas and especially in Eastern Europe as well as publishing a couple of books.
I will also be on board for the bible land tour and will be giving Port Talks in advance of arrival at each destination. Also joining us is Rev Brian Fisher who is helping to promote these Bible Lands bible land tours.
We will have times of worship and Bible teaching during the days at sea and information talks about the ports and places that we will be visiting. We will also be holding a short prayer time some mornings (when we don't have an early start for an excursion) and a Communion service during the bible land tour.
Full details of the timing and location of these meetings will be provided in the final bulletin, nearer the time. We sincerely hope you will be able to join us each day as we share our prayers, praise and fellowship, and also receive from God through His Word.
As with the evening ministry meetings, the early-morning prayer times are an integral and valuable part of all Destiny tour Holidays. On previous bible land tours a great many of those on board have joined these prayer times each morning to commit to the Lord both the day ahead and the many needs of the moment.
You will certainly enjoy the holiday even more if you take time before we depart to find out something about the various places we shall be visiting.
A browse through a good Bible Atlas or Bible Encyclopaedia will help you to become more familiar with many of the Biblical places. Most good bookshops or libraries have an extensive travel section, and it is worth perusing the shelves to find something that particularly appeals to you.
It almost goes without saying that the Bible, God's written Word itself, is undoubtedly the best source of inspiration and relevant history for the Biblical sites we will visit.
We won't be able to provide a bookstall on board ship, but instead have included a list of suggested books you may wish to buy on the theme of travelling in the Bible Lands. These books are in stock and if you wish to order any of these we will aim to get these to you by return of post.
Car parking is always worth pre-booking if you are driving to your departure Airport Gatwick and if you are on an early departure you may also wish to book an overnight hotel. One company who have good car parking and airport hotel rates is www.holidayextras.co.uk or you can call them on 0800 093 5478. For those travelling via Gatwick, the cheapest hotel by a distance is the Premier Inn, close to the North Terminal - www.premierinn.com or phone 0871 527 8406.
If you have booked your own flights, please be sure to let us know the flight number and arrival time. We guarantee to meet you on arrival in Rome and arrange your transfer to the ship or to the hotel we will be using for those who arrive the night before, but it helps to know when you are coming! The final information pack will give you fuller details of all arrangements upon arrival.
For those who are arriving the day before or staying in Rome after the bible land tour the hotel we have selected for our overnight stays is the Holiday Inn Aurelia, Via Aurelia, Rome. It's about five miles from the centre of Rome in the direction of the airport and Civitavecchia. For those arriving early the hotel has a shuttle bus to the centre of Rome and public buses also connect to the Cornelia Metro Station.
The hotel is a well appointed four star hotel and includes a small gym for anyone with excess energy. There is wifi in the hotel for which a charge is payable to access. We have booked half board and will use this hotel for the day before the bible land tour departure and also for the extra days after the bible land tour.
Quite a few people have opted to arrive the day before the bible land tour departure. We will meet you at Rome Fiumicino Airport and transfer you to the hotel as part of our service to you. At the hotel the cost per night is £62 per person in a twin room, including local tax and porterage charges. The supplement for a single room is £28.
Onboard Ship:
Upon embarkation an account will be opened for you. You may sign for most shipboard services (but not our exclusive excursions) and charge them to your cabin. The account is payable at the end of the bible land tour. You may pay in cash, travellers' cheques or by credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express). Personal cheques are not accepted on board. The currency used on board is the US dollar.
If you book Norwegian Bible land tour Line excursions on board ship this can be done through the ship's own excursion desk.
Credit Cards:
These are widely accepted in most countries for larger purchases although you may negotiate a better price with cash. They are also useful for onboard payments.
Local Currency ashore:
(Please Note: All Exchange Rates quoted are approximate and subject to variation)
A small amount of local currency for some of the ports of call can be useful but not essential. How much really depends on how you plan to spend your time whilst ashore. Lunch is provided on all full day shore excursions, and for half day excursions lunch can be taken on board the ship. You will only really need to pay for drinks and any shopping (non credit card) you choose to do.
In Italy and Greece (£1 = €1.16)
Italy, Cyprus and Greece are all in the Eurozone so you will need Euros for all purchases ashore. Because of the very limited exchange facilities on board the ship we advise you to purchase some Euros before you embark. Credit and debit cards are widely accepted for larger purchases ashore.
In Turkey (£1 =3.10 Turkish Lira)
Turkey changed its currency about 8 years ago so any old notes with lots of zeros on them are no longer valid. Again euros and to a lesser extent sterling will be acceptable to some souvenir traders in and around Ephesus and also in Istanbul. You will probably pay a premium if you use a credit card for larger transactions.
Although not something that comes naturally to many British people, tipping is very much the custom and practice elsewhere. On board ship individual tips are not expected, but instead an envelope is left in your cabin towards the end of the bible land tour for one single payment per person that is shared out among the whole crew. The ship has recommended the amount of $12 per person per day although this amount is at your discretion.
Norwegian Bible land tour Line will charge the recommended amount to your cabin account at the end of the bible land tour unless you ask to pay a different amount - the onus is on you to change the default arrangement. This will be charged in dollars so the amount you will pay will depend on the exchange rate that your bank gives you for using your credit or debit card.
It is possible to pay this amount in advance in sterling and if you choose to do this, the amount that is currently being charged is £70 per person - ie £7 per day. This represents a small saving over the on-board rate. If you would like to pay this charge in advance, please indicate this on the Passenger Information Form and pay the amount to us at least two weeks before you travel.
Similarly, it is traditional to tip the coach drivers and guides on the shore excursions and for this we normally pass a bag round at the end of the excursion for you to include an amount at your discretion. 50p for a half day trip or £1 for a full day would be the right sort of amount, preferably in local currency.
If you wish to add extra in recognition of particularly good service you are welcome to do so of course!
On Norwegian Jade, the beds are automatically arranged as two single beds. If couples would like the beds arranged together to make a large double bed, this can be done for you in advance. Please indicate this on the Passenger Response Form and we will pass the request on to NCL.
At some point before the bible land tour, everyone asks us what the weather will be like! So, here's our best guess a few weeks in advance!
In Rome and Naples it will be Autumnal, but in the remaining ports, they will still consider it late summer, so although it should be very pleasant throughout, we could experience a rich variety of weather during our days ashore. For the most part it should be warm and sunny during the days, but it will turn chillier in the evenings. However, at this time of year there is always the possibility of bad weather anywhere so rain or cold wind cannot be ruled out throughout the bible land tour. Those coming to Assisi after the bible land tour should remember that you will be up in the hills and the weather will be cooler.
On deck while the ship is sailing we can imagine that people will be sunbathing during the day but if you fancy an evening stroll on deck, remember that the ship will be sailing at around 20 mph so there will be a breeze even if there is no wind at all - you will probably want a jacket.
The moral is to take a selection of clothing with you! Comfortable but sturdy footwear is recommended to help you negotiate the multitude of assorted rocks and boulders that are strewn across the average archaeological site!
For travel on the aircraft, something light and casual is best.
The highlight of the bible land tour for many people will be visiting some of the actual sites that we read about in the Bible. The guided excursions are optional additions to the basic bible land tour package and need to be booked separately. A document describing each of these excursions is enclosed with this bulletin and a booking form for you to complete.
There is no obligation to book all or indeed any of the excursions on offer and if you feel that your energy levels may not last out then it is advisable to pace yourself.
The Destiny tour leaders and a local guide will accompany each excursion.
You will still be able to book the excursions when you are on board, subject to space remaining on the coaches, but you will not qualify for the pre-booking package offer (see below).
If you do wish to pre-book your excursions, and also take advantage of the package discount offer, we ask you to complete the enclosed Excursion Booking Form (yellow) and return it, with your payment, to Living Holidays in order to secure your place(s) on your chosen excursions.
* Pre-Booking Offer *
Pre-book all the excursions during the bible land tour and you receive a 10%
discount off the excursion costs. The Rome and Assisi excursions at
either end of the bible land tour is not part of this offer.
This will be no ordinary holiday! We believe that God wants to use this time to draw each one of us closer to Him and to deepen our relationship with Him, so that we return home with a greater love for Him, and a greater awareness of His love for us.
The need for Prayer:
Many of you are already joining us in prayer for the bible land tour - thank you. We know how vital it is that prayer surrounds each bible land tour so that the loving, positive purposes of God will be achieved and the hurtful, negative purposes of the enemy are confounded.
Prayer is the key to the success of the holiday, in both practical and spiritual terms. Jesus said:
"/ will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask
me for anything in my name, and I will do it." (John 14:13-14.)
Please join us in humble but persistent prayer, as we draw on this divine promise.
Here are some specific topics for prayer -
Pray that all who have booked will be kept well, and will be able to join us.
Pray for Andrew Kane as he prepares to bring us God's Word, and also for the other leaders,
that the Lord will anoint their times of preparation. -
Pray for all those involved in the practical planning, that they know God's clear guidance in all
the administrative decisions that still need to be made.
Comprehensive final travel details and other important information for the bible land tour and the overall holiday will be sent to you about two weeks before departure, along with your final travel details.
However, please don't hesitate to ring us or write to us if you still have any questions about the holiday that have not yet been answered. We want this to be a very enjoyable holiday for you, and will do our best to ensure that you feel as well-prepared as possible.
That's all for now, but please don't forget to send back your green Passenger Information Form (including full passport details) as soon as possible and also the yellow Excursion Booking Form if appropriate.